Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Days until Christmas
976 bytes
18 Oct 2013
Starting on Halloween, Tells how long till Christmas: Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
author: Izkata
PhotoTrackr DPL700 to GPX/PLT converter
dpl700-converter.r20.8 KB
3 Oct 2009
Converts memory dumps of the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger (MTK) to GPX/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
demo.r4.1 KB
14 Sep 2009
Amazingly small REBOL demo app: 10 useful programs in only 2.5k (LESS THAN HALF A PRINTED PAGE OF CODE!): 1 - FREEHAND PAINT: draw and save graphic images 2 - SNAKE GAME: eat food, avoid hitting the walls and yourself 3 - TILE PUZZLE, 15 : arrange the tiles into alphabetical order 4 - CALENDAR: save [...]
author: nick
PhotoTrackr DPL700
dpl700.r11.8 KB
30 Sep 2009
Reads the memory from the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger to a file
author: pijoter
4.1 KB
22 Dec 2003
obsluga plikow JPEG/EXIF
author: Piotr Gapinski
Simple File Requestor
1.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Example of a simple file requestor.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Open a file or directory requester
29.5 KB
16 Sep 2017
icon for file-requester.rRequests a file or directory
author: Marco Antoniazzi
709 bytes
15 Nov 2007
UDP broadcast example
author: ND
GeoRSS converter
georss.r24.5 KB
7 Oct 2009
Converts GeoRSS xml to GPX/KML/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
Grey-Soft: Bluetooth Accelerometer Acquisition 2.0
147.3 KB
6 Jul 2010
Using GS bluetooth XYZ devices with Rebol. This a demo version.
author: François Jouen
Half-life log parser
hllogparser.r5.8 KB
4 Mar 2004
Allows a rebol script to parse server logs from the game: Half-life
author: Cal Dixon
World Clock
1.9 KB
21 Jul 2005
Displays times for a number of Locations.
author: Allen Kamp
Dynamic Script Localization
12.6 KB
6 Sep 2004
Locale.r extends the system/locale objet in order to supply a dynamique localization of applications
author: marco
REBOL to POLAND ICM METEO map interface
4.9 KB
4 Feb 2004
Show meteo maps for Poland (Central Europe)
author: Piotr Gapinski
REBOL Standard Document Formatter
9.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) Converts very simple text file format into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons. Does the formatting so you can focus on the hard part: the words.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Email Viewer (as web page)
mailview.r1.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example displays all of your pending email as an HTML web page. (But does not remove it.)
author: [unknown]
NIST clock
nistclock.r3.6 KB
14 Nov 2012
Get the current time using the NIST service. Defines NIST-TIME, NIST-CORRECTED-TIME and SET-SYSTEM-TIME functions. Uses a GUI to display and (eventually) set system time.
author: Ladislav Mecir
Sintezar PM-101 - Phase Manipulation Digital Synthesizer
81.3 KB
23 Jun 2006
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
printf and sprintf implementation
2.8 KB
6 Jun 2006
Wrapper for the printf and sprintf C routines
author: jaime vargas
PhotoTrackr DPL converter
phototrackr-converter.r8.8 KB
27 Oct 2010
Converts memory dumps of the PhotoTrackr GPS (DPL) logger to OziExplorer/GPX formats
author: pijoter